This agreement on the provision of gambling services on the web-site ( is concluded between the company BetMatch and an individual using gambling services at the web-site (hereinafter referred to as the “Player”) as the other party, (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”).
This Agreement is public, includes provisions of the adhesion agreement and is effective for cases.
1. The Subject of the Agreement.
1.1. Services on participation of Player in the list of bets
1.1.1. The Company provides the Player with the services on participation of Player in the list of bets in accordance with the current procedures of gaming Rules approved by the Company (hereinafter – the “Rules”) posted at
1.1.2. The Company offers the Player availability to create betting odds and manage gaming account on the website on the Internet.
1.2. Services on participation in other games on the website.
1.2.1. The Company provides the Player with the services on participation of the Player in other games presented on the website in accordance with the current procedure approved by the Company, which is provided for each game in tab “How to play?” (hereinafter – the “Gaming Rules”).
1.3. Rules and Gaming Rules are the part of this Agreement. In case of conflict between the provisions of the Rules and/or the Gaming Rules and this Agreement, the provisions of this Agreement shall prevail.
1.4. The provisions of this Agreement apply to the services on participation of Player in the list of bets, as well as to services on participation in other games on the website.
1.5.Upon the registration of the Player on the Company’s web-site on the Internet, the Player is deemed as he has accepted the terms and conditions of this Agreement, became familiar with the Rules and Gaming Rules in full and agreed to play in accordance therewith, as well the Player agrees with all the Company’s rates of charges and commission rates for the transfer of funds, and agrees with the e-mail and SMS notifications about new services.
2. The Rights and Obligations of the Parties.
2.1. The Company shall:
2.1.1. Register the Player and assign him an unique number of the gaming account.
2.1.2. Provide the Player with the ability to manage a gaming account.
2.1.3. Maintain confidentiality of information on the Player acquired during the registration, placed bets, the Player’s gaming results and the payment settlements with him, and other information in accordance with the Kahnawà:ke Gaming Commission Regulation.
2.1.4. Provide the Player with the twenty-four-hour technical support via email and telephone “hot line”.
2.2. The Company has the right to:
2.2.1. Suspend the provision of services in case if the Player fails to fulfill the provisions of this Agreement or the Rules/Gaming Rules.
2.2.2. Amend the terms and conditions of this Agreement unilaterally. Company doesn’t send to the Player additional notices on amendments in the Agreement, Rules/Gaming Rules. The player is obliged to follow the relevant amendments all by himself.
2.3. The Player shall:
2.3.1. Read by himself Rules/Gaming Rules and receive a comprehensive explanation on all ambiguous matters.
2.3.2. Keep confidential the number of his gaming account and access password to it . All the transactions made using the correct input player name and password and/or account number, will be considered as valid regardless of whether they were authorized by the Player and the Company is not responsible for any claim in the case Player provides his username, password or account number to another person.
2.4. The Player has the right to:
2.4.1. Receive a complete list of bets from the Company in accordance with the Rules/Gaming Rules.
2.4.2. The client has the right to unilaterally refuse the game with once every 90 days after notifying us in advance by email that was sent from the registered email address, and after authorization on the website. The account will be blocked after the final settlements.
In exceptional cases, the player can re-submit a request to refuse the game, but not less than thirty (30) days after the previous request. The company reserves the right to refuse to block the account again.
2.4.3. Set limits of the gaming account on the maximum size of bets and funds spent or submit self-exclusion from the game at own discretion in the manner prescribed by the Rules/Gaming Rules.
3. The Settlement Procedure.
3.1. All settlements are made in accordance with the applicable Rules/Gaming Rules. All the Company’s rates of charges and commission rates for the transfer of monetary funds depend on the Player’s country of residence or country, where Player is located in the moment of receiving of Company services. All the Company’s rates of charges and commission rates for the transfer of funds are specified in the Rules/Gaming Rules.
3.2. The Player is responsible for the correctness of his payments and keeping of settlement documents.
3.3. The fact of payment shall mean the actual receipt of funds at the accounts of Company
3.4. In case the Customer account has been blocked due to fraudulent or other illegal actions of the Player, the rest on his gaming account is transferred by the Company to individuals affected by such actions of the Player, or for charity contributions.
3.5. In case of technical problems with the Company’s settlement system, the payment to Player is carried out under the procedure prescribed by the Rules/Gaming Rules.
3.6. The Company does not credit the Players for gaming transactions.
3.7. For services on participation of Player in the list of bets and for services on participation in other games on the website the same gaming account is used.
4. Special Conditions and Responsibilities of the Parties.
4.1. The Company is not responsible for the safety of funds at the gaming account in case the Player disclosed the account number and password for accessing it.
4.2. The Company is not liable for lost profits in case of temporary technical problems with the server and electronic communication channels, which may cause the inability of the Player to use the Company’s service.
4.3. The Company is not responsible for the quality of operations of the financial and technical partners and agents.
4.4. The Company is not responsible for the provision of information on the Player acquired during the registration, placed bets, the Player’s gaming results and the payments settlements with him at the request of government agencies. The Player allows the Company to collect, store and use personal data for the purposes of assessing his financial solvency or selecting of marketing products and services for him.
4.5. The Player assumes in full all risks associated with the use of telephone lines, the Internet and other means of communication.
4.6. The Player is fully responsible for the safety of the gaming account number and password for accessing it.
4.7. The Player’s registration shall mean his full satisfaction with the security features used by the Company.
4.8. The Player’s registration shall mean that the Player guarantees:
4.8.1. The Player has reached the age of 18 and under the law of residence country or the law of the country, where Player is located in the moment of receiving of Company services, the Player has the right to receive services provided by the Company.
4.8.2. The Player is the rightful owner of funds that he places on his gaming account.
4.9. The Player gives the Company his consent to verify his age, country of residence or country, where Player is located in the moment of receiving of Company services, and the identification of Player's personality.
4.10. The Player ensures that all the information provided by him to the Company is true.
4.11. In case this Agreement is presented in other than English language, the English version of this Agreement shall prevail.
4.12. In case the Company finds out that the Player has not reached the age of 18, and in case of detection of any fraudulent or other illegal activities on the part of the Player, the Company may block the Player’s gaming account and investigate the Player's actions in accordance with the Rules/Gaming Rules.
4.13.The Company does not provide services in the territory of the countries with legislation forbidding consumption of online services provided on web-site, in particular in the territory of the following countries: USA, Israel, Singapore, Kahnawae Mohawk Territory (Canada), Estonia, France, the Republic of Cyprus, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Italy. The Company hereby informs that Singapore law prohibits the provision of the remote gambling services to customers who are physically present in Singapore. Notwithstanding the above provisions in this Section, Company is not obliged and shall not: (i) inform the Player about existence or content of provisions of the legislation forbidding consumption of online services which are provided on web-site, and (ii) advice on such issues.
4.14. The Player hereby guarantees that at the moment of receiving online services from Company: (a) he/she is not physically present in the territory of any of the countries, specified in Section 4.13 of this Agreement; (b) he/she is observing legislation of the country of the Player’s citizenship and/or of the country in the territory of which the Player is present at the moment of receiving services from Company, in relation to the right or ban to consume the services provided on web-site.
4.15. The Player shall independently carry out actions that may be required by the provisions of the legislation of the country of the Player’s tax residence and/or of the country, in which the Player is located at the moment of receiving a winning, in connection with payment of taxes or other compulsory charges from the revenues received from the Company. The Company shall not inform the Player about existence or content of such provisions of the legislation, and shall not advice on such issues.
5. Force Majeure.
5.1. The Parties agreed that in the case of force majeure circumstances (circumstances of insuperable force, which are beyond the will of the parties to the Agreement), including the actions of public authorities, which make it impossible for the Parties to fulfill their obligations hereunder, fire, flood, other natural disasters, the Parties are exempted from their obligations under this Agreement for the duration of the circumstances mentioned. In cases the effect of the mentioned circumstances lasts more than for 30 (thirty) calendar days, each Party has the right to terminate this Agreement and shall not be liable for such termination, provided that it notifies the other Party at least 15 (fifteen) days prior to the termination. Sufficient proof of force majeure is a document issued by the Chamber of Commerce. The rise of the mentioned circumstances does not constitute grounds for the Company’s refusal to pay back funds from Player’s gaming account.
6. Claims and Dispute Resolution Procedure.
6.1. The Player’s claims are taken into consideration by the Company only in writing and no later than 10 (ten) calendar days after the date when such dispute arose. Period for consideration of Player’s claims shall not exceed 10 (thirty) calendar days.
6.2. The consideration of claims by the Company is made only if the Player possesses the relevant financial documents confirming the payment of placed bet.
7. Intellectual Property Rights
7.1. All the design elements, text, graphics, music, sounds, pictures, videos, and their selection and disposition on the Company’s website, as well as the compilations of the software, source codes, software and all other materials are subjects to the protection of copyright and other proprietary rights which are either owned by the Company or used by the Company under license issued by the third parties, being their owners. The extent to which any materials can be downloaded or printed, such materials can also be downloaded to a single personal computer, and the individual parts can be printed for personal and non-commercial purposes of the Player.
7.2. In no case the usage of the Company’s services entitles the Player to any intellectual property rights (e.g., copyrights, know-how or trade marks) owned by the Company or any other third party.
7.3. The Player has no right to do or allow other person to copy, store, publish, rent, license, sell, distribute, modify, add, delete, destruct or disrupt the operation of the website or any of its sections in any way, as well as directly or indirectly disrupt or interfere with the operations of the web-site (or plan such actions) or modify it, except when it occurs in the course of viewing or using the website according to the Rules/Gaming Rules.
8. Conclusion and Termination of the Agreement.
8.1. The moment, when the Player registers online at, shall be considered as the moment of concluding the Agreement.
8.2. The moment of termination of the Agreement is considered a moment, when the Company notifies the Player with the confirmation of all the final settlements.
8.3. No assignment of Player’s obligations hereunder is allowed. A Player may not assign his obligations under this Agreement, as well as any rights or obligations hereunder to any other person or entity.
8.4. The Company reserves the right to assign or transfer rights and obligations under this Agreement in whole or in part without notifying the Player, provided any such transfer would be on the same terms, or terms as favorable for the Player at the web-site ( is concluded between the company BetMatch and an individual using gambling services at the web-site (hereinafter referred to as the “Player”) as the other party, (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreement”).
This Agreement is public, includes provisions of the adhesion agreement and is effective for cases.
1. The Subject of the Agreement.
1.1. Services on participation of Player in the list of bets
1.1.1. The Company provides the Player with the services on participation of Player in the list of bets in accordance with the current procedures of gaming Rules approved by the Company (hereinafter – the “Rules”) posted at
1.1.2. The Company offers the Player availability to create betting odds and manage gaming account on the website on the Internet.
1.2. Services on participation in other games on the website.
1.2.1. The Company provides the Player with the services on participation of the Player in other games presented on the website in accordance with the current procedure approved by the Company, which is provided for each game in tab “How to play?” (hereinafter – the “Gaming Rules”).
1.3. Rules and Gaming Rules are the part of this Agreement. In case of conflict between the provisions of the Rules and/or the Gaming Rules and this Agreement, the provisions of this Agreement shall prevail.
1.4. The provisions of this Agreement apply to the services on participation of Player in the list of bets, as well as to services on participation in other games on the website.
1.5.Upon the registration of the Player on the Company’s web-site on the Internet, the Player is deemed as he has accepted the terms and conditions of this Agreement, became familiar with the Rules and Gaming Rules in full and agreed to play in accordance therewith, as well the Player agrees with all the Company’s rates of charges and commission rates for the transfer of funds, and agrees with the e-mail and SMS notifications about new services.
2. The Rights and Obligations of the Parties.
2.1. The Company shall:
2.1.1. Register the Player and assign him an unique number of the gaming account.
2.1.2. Provide the Player with the ability to manage a gaming account.
2.1.3. Maintain confidentiality of information on the Player acquired during the registration, placed bets, the Player’s gaming results and the payment settlements with him, and other information in accordance with the Kahnawà:ke Gaming Commission Regulation.
2.1.4. Provide the Player with the twenty-four-hour technical support via email and telephone “hot line”.
2.2. The Company has the right to:
2.2.1. Suspend the provision of services in case if the Player fails to fulfill the provisions of this Agreement or the Rules/Gaming Rules.
2.2.2. Amend the terms and conditions of this Agreement unilaterally. Company doesn’t send to the Player additional notices on amendments in the Agreement, Rules/Gaming Rules. The player is obliged to follow the relevant amendments all by himself.
2.3. The Player shall:
2.3.1. Read by himself Rules/Gaming Rules and receive a comprehensive explanation on all ambiguous matters.
2.3.2. Keep confidential the number of his gaming account and access password to it . All the transactions made using the correct input player name and password and/or account number, will be considered as valid regardless of whether they were authorized by the Player and the Company is not responsible for any claim in the case Player provides his username, password or account number to another person.
2.4. The Player has the right to:
2.4.1. Receive a complete list of bets from the Company in accordance with the Rules/Gaming Rules.
2.4.2. The client has the right to unilaterally refuse the game with once every 90 days after notifying us in advance by email that was sent from the registered email address, and after authorization on the website. The account will be blocked after the final settlements.
In exceptional cases, the player can re-submit a request to refuse the game, but not less than thirty (30) days after the previous request. The company reserves the right to refuse to block the account again.
2.4.3. Set limits of the gaming account on the maximum size of bets and funds spent or submit self-exclusion from the game at own discretion in the manner prescribed by the Rules/Gaming Rules.
3. The Settlement Procedure.
3.1. All settlements are made in accordance with the applicable Rules/Gaming Rules. All the Company’s rates of charges and commission rates for the transfer of monetary funds depend on the Player’s country of residence or country, where Player is located in the moment of receiving of Company services. All the Company’s rates of charges and commission rates for the transfer of funds are specified in the Rules/Gaming Rules.
3.2. The Player is responsible for the correctness of his payments and keeping of settlement documents.
3.3. The fact of payment shall mean the actual receipt of funds at the accounts of Company
3.4. In case the Customer account has been blocked due to fraudulent or other illegal actions of the Player, the rest on his gaming account is transferred by the Company to individuals affected by such actions of the Player, or for charity contributions.
3.5. In case of technical problems with the Company’s settlement system, the payment to Player is carried out under the procedure prescribed by the Rules/Gaming Rules.
3.6. The Company does not credit the Players for gaming transactions.
3.7. For services on participation of Player in the list of bets and for services on participation in other games on the website the same gaming account is used.
4. Special Conditions and Responsibilities of the Parties.
4.1. The Company is not responsible for the safety of funds at the gaming account in case the Player disclosed the account number and password for accessing it.
4.2. The Company is not liable for lost profits in case of temporary technical problems with the server and electronic communication channels, which may cause the inability of the Player to use the Company’s service.
4.3. The Company is not responsible for the quality of operations of the financial and technical partners and agents.
4.4. The Company is not responsible for the provision of information on the Player acquired during the registration, placed bets, the Player’s gaming results and the payments settlements with him at the request of government agencies. The Player allows the Company to collect, store and use personal data for the purposes of assessing his financial solvency or selecting of marketing products and services for him.
4.5. The Player assumes in full all risks associated with the use of telephone lines, the Internet and other means of communication.
4.6. The Player is fully responsible for the safety of the gaming account number and password for accessing it.
4.7. The Player’s registration shall mean his full satisfaction with the security features used by the Company.
4.8. The Player’s registration shall mean that the Player guarantees:
4.8.1. The Player has reached the age of 18 and under the law of residence country or the law of the country, where Player is located in the moment of receiving of Company services, the Player has the right to receive services provided by the Company.
4.8.2. The Player is the rightful owner of funds that he places on his gaming account.
4.9. The Player gives the Company his consent to verify his age, country of residence or country, where Player is located in the moment of receiving of Company services, and the identification of Player's personality.
4.10. The Player ensures that all the information provided by him to the Company is true.
4.11. In case this Agreement is presented in other than English language, the English version of this Agreement shall prevail.
4.12. In case the Company finds out that the Player has not reached the age of 18, and in case of detection of any fraudulent or other illegal activities on the part of the Player, the Company may block the Player’s gaming account and investigate the Player's actions in accordance with the Rules/Gaming Rules.
4.13.The Company does not provide services in the territory of the countries with legislation forbidding consumption of online services provided on web-site, in particular in the territory of the following countries: USA, Israel, Singapore, Kahnawae Mohawk Territory (Canada), Estonia, France, the Republic of Cyprus, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Italy. The Company hereby informs that Singapore law prohibits the provision of the remote gambling services to customers who are physically present in Singapore. Notwithstanding the above provisions in this Section, Company is not obliged and shall not: (i) inform the Player about existence or content of provisions of the legislation forbidding consumption of online services which are provided on web-site, and (ii) advice on such issues.
4.14. The Player hereby guarantees that at the moment of receiving online services from Company: (a) he/she is not physically present in the territory of any of the countries, specified in Section 4.13 of this Agreement; (b) he/she is observing legislation of the country of the Player’s citizenship and/or of the country in the territory of which the Player is present at the moment of receiving services from Company, in relation to the right or ban to consume the services provided on web-site.
4.15. The Player shall independently carry out actions that may be required by the provisions of the legislation of the country of the Player’s tax residence and/or of the country, in which the Player is located at the moment of receiving a winning, in connection with payment of taxes or other compulsory charges from the revenues received from the Company. The Company shall not inform the Player about existence or content of such provisions of the legislation, and shall not advice on such issues.
5. Force Majeure.
5.1. The Parties agreed that in the case of force majeure circumstances (circumstances of insuperable force, which are beyond the will of the parties to the Agreement), including the actions of public authorities, which make it impossible for the Parties to fulfill their obligations hereunder, fire, flood, other natural disasters, the Parties are exempted from their obligations under this Agreement for the duration of the circumstances mentioned. In cases the effect of the mentioned circumstances lasts more than for 30 (thirty) calendar days, each Party has the right to terminate this Agreement and shall not be liable for such termination, provided that it notifies the other Party at least 15 (fifteen) days prior to the termination. Sufficient proof of force majeure is a document issued by the Chamber of Commerce. The rise of the mentioned circumstances does not constitute grounds for the Company’s refusal to pay back funds from Player’s gaming account.
6. Claims and Dispute Resolution Procedure.
6.1. The Player’s claims are taken into consideration by the Company only in writing and no later than 10 (ten) calendar days after the date when such dispute arose. Period for consideration of Player’s claims shall not exceed 10 (thirty) calendar days.
6.2. The consideration of claims by the Company is made only if the Player possesses the relevant financial documents confirming the payment of placed bet.
7. Intellectual Property Rights
7.1. All the design elements, text, graphics, music, sounds, pictures, videos, and their selection and disposition on the Company’s website, as well as the compilations of the software, source codes, software and all other materials are subjects to the protection of copyright and other proprietary rights which are either owned by the Company or used by the Company under license issued by the third parties, being their owners. The extent to which any materials can be downloaded or printed, such materials can also be downloaded to a single personal computer, and the individual parts can be printed for personal and non-commercial purposes of the Player.
7.2. In no case the usage of the Company’s services entitles the Player to any intellectual property rights (e.g., copyrights, know-how or trade marks) owned by the Company or any other third party.
7.3. The Player has no right to do or allow other person to copy, store, publish, rent, license, sell, distribute, modify, add, delete, destruct or disrupt the operation of the website or any of its sections in any way, as well as directly or indirectly disrupt or interfere with the operations of the web-site (or plan such actions) or modify it, except when it occurs in the course of viewing or using the website according to the Rules/Gaming Rules.
8. Conclusion and Termination of the Agreement.
8.1. The moment, when the Player registers online at, shall be considered as the moment of concluding the Agreement.
8.2. The moment of termination of the Agreement is considered a moment, when the Company notifies the Player with the confirmation of all the final settlements.
8.3. No assignment of Player’s obligations hereunder is allowed. A Player may not assign his obligations under this Agreement, as well as any rights or obligations hereunder to any other person or entity.
8.4. The Company reserves the right to assign or transfer rights and obligations under this Agreement in whole or in part without notifying the Player, provided any such transfer would be on the same terms, or terms as favorable for the Player.